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    (    )1.A.till                B.wide         C.polite       D.decide
    (    )2.A.revolution    B.question  C.mention   D.position
    (    )3.A.world           B.worth       C.worse      D.worn
    (    )4.A.uncle           B.umbrella  C.custom    D.university
    (    )5.A.relative        B.delay       C.connect   D.chest

    (    )6. Her father               ill yesterday and is now in hospital.
             A.set        B.took    C.caught    D.fell
    (    )7. He talked at the top of his voice,             he drew nobody's attention.
             A.instead    B.so      C.yet       D.though
    (    )8. When and where to build the new factory             yet.
             A. is not. decided      B.are not decided
            C. has not decided    D.have not decided
    (    )9. There was an                 look on her face when the actor appeared.
             A.excited    B.excite   D.excitedly   C.exciting
    (    )10.I    _        playing tennis with John when Bob arrived.
             A. had finished          B. has finished
             C. finish                     D. finished
    (    )11.             ! There's a train coming.
             A. Look out                  B. Look around
             C. Look forward to       D. Look on
    (    )12.              late in the morning,Bob turned off the alarm.
             A. To sleep              B. Sleeping
             C. Sleep                  D. Having slept
    (    )13. The city has           _ population of two _            .
             A. a ; millions          B. a ; million
             C. /;million               D. /;millions
    (    )14.             country in the world should do her best to keep the world peace.
             A. Each                  B. All
             C. Every                 D. Everyone
    (    )15.lt was said that the new car            to the institute as a gift by a businessman.
             A. had given                 B. would give
             C. had been given        D. has been given
    (    )16. -I hope that John will not play football tomorrow.
              -Yes ,I _           ,
             A. hope it too              B. hope too
             C. hope that too         D. hope so too
    (    )17.It           _ better than it.
             A. is  tasted ;is  looked                                               
             B. tastes ;looks
             C. tastes ;is looked                                                     
             D. is  tasted ;looks
    (    )18.The fact that all the stars are moving around the sun was first put forward around 500
            hundred years ago,              ?
             A. did they              B. didn't they
             C. aren't it              D. wasn't it
    (    )19. She _              the piano since she was a child.
             A. played                    B. has played
             C.have played            D.had played      .
    (    )20.ln need of money,Bob had to take              job that was offered to him.
             A. whatever              B. no matter what
             C. whichever             D. no matter which

        The "show business" attracts many young people__21__only very few can hope to become
    __22__.Talent(才能)is not __23__ .Without a good manager,a performer can never hope to suc-
    ceed. Fashion(时尚)is also important in this business. The best tailor in the world will never be
    successfulif he makes old-fashioned clothes.In exactly the same way,a performer must __24__ his
    “act" in order to __25__ the taste of the moment. This is true for actors and dancers,but perhaps
    most of all for __26__  .
       “Pop"stands for "popular" ,and a pop singer has t0 __27__ hard to become popular. He must
    either give the public what they want,or he must find a new way of singing that will attract their at-
    tention. Even when he has succeeded,and his records are sold everywhere,he cannot__28__.He
    must work hatder than ever t0 __29__popular,__30__there are always younger singers trying to be-
    come famous. The life of a successful pop singer is__31__.He can only relax when he is __32__,
    because everything he does is watched and reported in the special newspaper written for the "fans".
    The fans are the most important people in the world for the singer. They buy his records,they go to
    his concerts,and they make him rich and famous. But they can be very troublesome,too. They some-
    times__33__handkerchiefs,they tear off buttons,and they even cut off pieces of the unfortunate
    singer's hair. Many singers have been forced t0__34__.A pop singer has to spend a lot of money on
    __35__ ,because he must always look smart. He must have a nice car. And above all,he must always
    keep smiling for the benefit of his public.
    (    ) 21.A.Unfortunately  B.Therefore    C.Naturally       D.Luckily
    (    ) 22.A.active             B.excellent       C.famous         D.attractive
    (    ) 23.A.important        B.enough         C.necessary    D.encouraged
    (    ) 24.A.keep              B.make             C.remain          D.change
    (    ) 25.A-follow             B.get                C.change         D.agree
    (    ) 26.A.artists'r           B.tailors           C.women         D.singers
    (    ) 27.A.act                 B.work              C.travel            D.sing
    (    ) 28.A.give up          B.become popular  
                C.relax              D.satisfy
    (    ) 29.A.become         B.remain           C.make            D. gain
    (    ) 30.A.so                 B.then                C.because      D.and
    (    ) 31.A.simple           B.not busy         C.exciting        D.not easy
    (    ) 32.A.tired              B.old                  C.alone           D.famous
    (    ) 33.A.receive         B.steal                C.ask for         D.demand
    (    ) 34.A.sing              B.give in             C.hide             D.leave
    (    ) 35.A.travelling       B.clothes           C.food             D.housing










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